
Michael Jackson is Dead and the World Dances

I grew up during the height of Michael Jackson's solo career, and like most people alive in that time, I literally wore out my Thriller cassette tape. Twice.
I watched his videos over and over again--each time my older sister turning out the lights in hopeful anticipation of scaring the crap out of me during Thriller, and always succeeding--while I studied Michael's choreography with wonder and amazement at *how* he could get his body to move in truly skilled and unique ways. The King of Pop was also the King of Dance.

And now, sadly, he will no longer dance for us. But the whole world seems to be dancing for him. Masses of people all over the world, including New York and San Francisco, are gathering together to grieve, to sing, and especially to dance in remembrance of Michael Jackson.
And this is why I am becoming a dance therapist. Because even if people don't always realize it on a cognitive level, their bodies instinctually want and need to dance. They dance for grievance. They dance for closure and connection. They dance for memory, and honor, and respect, and love. They dance to make sad news a little bit lighter. They dance to heal.

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